Friday, June 26, 2009

the Grand Canyon and the Mormons

After the van broke down in Colorado, we had to pick up Anders' brother Jakob in Salt Lake City. This could only be accomplished by renting a car and driving across Utah in one day, through heat and hail. So we set out early in the morning and we passed through a variety of landscapes, including:

In Utah, there are lots of Mormons. We went to the Temple in Salt Lake City.

On the way back from Salt Lake City, we stopped by Arches National Park:

After we drove back from Salt Lake City, we got the van back. We drove the van from Durango to Flagstaff, which is not flat. It turns out flagstaff is at an elevation of 7,000 feet. When we arrived, we drove straight to a mechanic, where our coolant pipe exploded. We once again rented a car. Linky hung out in Flagstaff with the locals, and Jakob and Anders and I went to the Grand Canyon, which looks like this:

Oh, and Anders became a love child.

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